Monthly Means#

Plots of monthly means across all available years are presented in this section. For years that both CIOFS and NWGOA model output is available, 1999–2008, both are shown; otherwise (2009–2022) only CIOFS is shown. Salinity at the surface and salinity at 20m depth, temperature at the surface and temperature at 20m depth, along with mixed layer depth are available. This page highlights key features observed across all years. Select the links or subpages for a display of all years.

The salinity plots show that NWGOA is fresher than CIOFS at the surface and 20m depth most of the time (Fig. 3). Additionally, NWGOA shows more variability than CIOFS. Both of these observations are consistent with the model-data comparisons (see Model Assessment Summary) and support the idea that using only gauged freshwater forcing for the CIOFS model inputs inadequate freshwater into the system.


Fig. 3 Example of CIOFS-NWGOA surface salinity comparison showing August 2006.#

Temperature plots show that CIOFS is colder than NWGOA in the winter in Cook Inlet, but warmer than NWGOA in the summer at the top of the Inlet and colder toward the ocean (Fig. 4, Fig. 5). This trend holds at 20m depth too.


Fig. 4 Example of CIOFS-NWGOA surface temperature comparison showing January 2006.#


Fig. 5 Example of CIOFS-NWGOA surface temperature comparison showing August 2006.#

Within Cook Inlet, the mixed layer depth plots for CIOFS seem to often show the bathymetry, meaning that a valid mixed layer depth was not able to be calculated due to lack of stratification (Fig. 6). This is consistent with the model missing adequate freshwater forcing.


Fig. 6 Example of CIOFS-NWGOA mixed layer depth comparison showing August 2006.#