Open Boundary Forcing and Initial Conditions#
The objective of this project is to convert the CIOFS operational model from NOAA CO-OPS into a hindcast model and perform the hindcast run for the years 1998 to 2018. The year 1998 will serve as the spin-up period, and the resulting model output will be from January 1st, 1999 to December 31st, 2018.
The same model parameters from the CO-OPS operational CIOFS will be used for the hindcast, including the model grid and bathymetry, the locations of river inputs, and harmonic tides. However, other input files that are time-dependent need to be prepared for the hindcast. These include the initial condition file, open boundary condition files, meteorological forcing files, and river input files.
Data sources for these input files are based on spatial and temporal availability. The initial and open boundary conditions will be extracted from HYCOM GOFS 3.1 Global products, which are available every three hours from 1994 to the present, with a 0.04° resolution. Meteorological forcing data will be obtained from ERA5, covering the period from 1940 to the present, with an hourly temporal resolution and a 0.25° spatial resolution. River data will be sourced from USGS stations, and the preparation of the river files is covered here.
Codes used to generate the initial condition file, open boundary condition files, and meteorological forcing files are ERA5-ROMS ( and pyroms ( Docker was used to create the environment and dependencies for these codes, and apply minor bug fixes for pyroms. Here is the contents of the dockerfile:
FROM ubuntu:latest
ADD .cdsapirc /root/
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y wget bzip2 git libnetcdf-dev libnetcdff-dev gfortran
# Install Miniconda
RUN wget && \
bash -b -p /opt/conda && \
# Set up conda environment and install Mamba
ENV PATH /opt/conda/bin:$PATH
# Install mamba
RUN conda install -y mamba -c conda-forge
RUN mamba install -y -c conda-forge numpy==1.23.5 scipy matplotlib basemap netcdf4 nco pynco cftime lpsolve55 pip xarray xesmf cartopy numba
RUN sed -i 's/import\ ESMF/import\ esmpy\ as\ ESMF/g' /opt/conda/lib/python3.9/site-packages/xesmf/
# install pyroms
RUN git clone
RUN sed -i 's/np\.float/float/g' pyroms/pyroms/pyroms/
RUN sed -i 's/self\.hc = min(self\.hmin, self\.Tcline)/self\.hc = min(max(0, self\.hmin), self\.Tcline)/g' pyroms/pyroms/pyroms/
RUN sed -i '20d' pyroms/pyroms_toolbox/pyroms_toolbox/Grid_HYCOM/
RUN pip install -e pyroms/pyroms
RUN pip install -e pyroms/pyroms_toolbox
RUN pip install -e pyroms/bathy_smoother
# install cdsapi for ERA5-ROMS
RUN git clone
RUN pip install cdsapi
# For interactive shell
RUN conda init bash
RUN echo "conda activate base" >> /home/$USERNAME/.bashrc
# Set the default command to launch a bash shell
CMD ["/bin/bash"]
Build the docker image:
docker build -t pyroms .
Unless otherwise specified, the time zone for all times is UTC.
Meteorological forcing files#
Using ERA5-ROMS is straightforward with not much modifications in the code. The following is a portion of the modified code in
self.use_era5 = True
self.start_year = 1998
self.end_year = 2009
self.project = "CIOFS"
self.area = "62/-158/56/-148"
# self.area = self.get_area_for_project(self.project)
self.resultsdir = "/mnt/vault/ciofs/input/ERA5/"
#self.resultsdir = "../{}/".format(self.project)
self.debug = False
self.extract_data_every_N_hours = True
self.time_units = "days since 1948-01-01 00:00:00"
self.optionals = True # optional variables to extract depending on ROMS version (Rutgers or Kate)
self.ROMS_version = "Rutgers" # "Rutgers" or "Kate" - the sea-ice component of Kates ROMS version uses downward
# shortwave and not net shortwave to account for albedo of ice.
An API key is required to retrieve ERA5 data. Create an account on Copernicus Climate Data Store. On the user profile page find the UID and API Key. Create the following file:
$ cat ~/.cdsapirc
key: <UID>:<API key>
The following command launches ERA5-ROMS in a docker container:
docker run -v /home/mpiuser/project-ciofs-hindcast/hindcast_input:/hindcast_input -v /mnt/vault/ciofs:/mnt/vault/ciofs pyroms python /hindcast_input/ERA5-ROMS/
Initial condition and open boundary condition files#
Initial and open boundary conditions are derived from the HYCOM + NCODA Global 1/12 Analysis data products. pyroms
provided example scripts to process HYCOM data, which we modified to fit our needs.
Modify and run these files to retrieve the appropriate HYCOM data subsets for subsequent processing:
One initial condition file was created for 1998-01-01 00:00:00 when the hindcast simulation begins. This file was created by executing
The code to generate open boundary condition files is
. This generates the file
The interpolation functions shared by both scripts uses ESMF to perform interpolations between the HYCOM and ROMS grids.
Tidal forcing file#
The harmonic tides input file used by NOAA COOPS’ CIOFS model was provided to us. Although tidal harmonics are not time-dependent, ROMS need to be told what the reference time is. Following [(]this page](, a new variable needs to be added to the tidal input file. Such a variable was added to the tidal input file
(zero_phase_date = 20230101.0000). The following python code performs such a modification:
import netCDF4 as nc
import numpy as np
import datetime
def add_tide_date(ncfile, tide_ref):
Adds zero phase date to existing tidal NetCDF file.
Converted from
% Copyright (c) 2002-2020 The ROMS/TOMS Group %
% Licensed under a MIT/X style license %
% See License_ROMS.txt Hernan G. Arango %
ncfile : str
Existing ROMS tidal NetCDF file name.
tide_ref : np.datetime64
Tide reference date.
# Inquire input NetCDF file.
with nc.Dataset(ncfile, 'a') as dset:
got_zero_phase_date = 'zero_phase_date' in dset.variables
# If appropriate, define zero phase date variable.
if not got_zero_phase_date:
var = dset.createVariable('zero_phase_date', np.double)
var.long_name = 'tide reference date for zero phase'
var.units = 'days as %Y%m%d.%f'
var.C_format = '%13.4f'
var.FORTRAN_format = '(f13.4)'
dayfrac = tide_ref.astype(int) - np.fix(tide_ref.astype(int))
tidedate = round(float(tide_ref.astype(datetime.datetime).strftime('%Y%m%d')) + dayfrac, 4)
var[:] = tidedate
ncfile = ''
tide_ref = np.datetime64('2023-01-01')
add_tide_date(ncfile, tide_ref)
ROMS configuration files#
Standard input file axiom.ciofs.hindcast.*.in
For the initial simulation we use the generated initial condition file by setting ININAME =
, set NRREC
to 0. For subsequent restart runs:
back to -1;set
to the restart file generated from the * previous run;change
Because we are performing a multi-decadal hindcast using harmonic tides as an open boundary condition, the nodal correction switch should be turned on in the .in
! If tide generating forces, set switch (T/F) to apply a 18.6-year lunar
! nodal correction to equilibrium tide constituents.
Lnodal = T
The ROMS time step DT == 4.0d0
was remain unchanged from the COOPS version. We set the following parameters to output history files daily with hourly intervals, and restart files daily:
NRST == 21600
NHIS == 900
NDEFHIS == 21600
Variable metadata file varinfo.yaml#
The following list shows the variables and attributes that require modification in varinfo.yaml to match those in the input forcing files. The corrected attributes for each variable are also provided below.
- variable: zeta_south
time: ocean_time
- variable: ubar_south
time: ocean_time
- variable: vbar_south
time: ocean_time
- variable: temp_south
time: ocean_time
- variable: salt_south
time: ocean_time
- variable: Pair
units: Pascal
scale: 0.01d0
- variable: Tair
time: Tair_time
- variable: *SWRAD
time: swrad_time
- variable: lwrad_down
time: lwrad_time